
You can replace slanted parallel symbol as unicode ⫽ (U+2AFD, Double Solidus Operator)

공시탈출넘버원 2023. 9. 15. 21:22

I had to insert parallel symbol with using MathJax.

Official unicode symbol of the "parallel" and "not parallel" signs have codepoints U+2225 (∥) and U+2226 (∦) However, what I had to make was a slanted parallel symbol, similar as // (two slashes).

existing solutions offer using some special packages, but I cannot use any special package in my work.


I tried to find another unicode symbol as similar as slanted parallel

Someone's blog helped me. The writer said to use ⫽ (U+2AFD), which is a Double Solidus Operator

I used this unicode symbol and figured out.


I think you can also use this, if you have a very bad condition as me.

Reference: telling you to use U+2AFD. Note that this article is written in Korean.